понедељак, 31. мај 2010.


Кријући,истину,и Исусове потомке,из брака са Маријом Магдаленом,црква је вешто манипулисала људима.
Пратили су родослов,и водили о потомцима рачуна,али нису хтели да дозволе да народ било шта сазна.
Јавно су се супростављали,али су тајно,далеко од очију јавности,водили рачуна о потомцима и њиховим породицама,постављали их за владаре,цареве,краљеве,председнике.
Пратили су потомке,Јосипа и Јустуса,Исусових синова...
Константин је био први који је постао свестан да води порекло од Исуса Христа.
Све се одвијало далеко од очију јавности.Народу је све било погрешно приказано.
Пратили су и од те две линије су и настали католицизам и православље.
И једни и други су били наследници Исусове лозе.
Походи темплара,крсташки ратови су им служили за прикупљање реликвија.
Инквизиција је један од најстрашнији злочина у име Христа!?
У чије име и за кога?
То ни данашња савремена историја и врсни зналци историје нису ни покушали да објасне.
Колико је тајни сакривено у ватиканским архивима?
Шта крију те архиве?
Да ли се зна или да ли се наслућује одговор?
Две лозе,две линије,које су се кроз векове бориле за власт,за доминацију и за примат.
Које су нанеле незапамћено зло човечанству.
У чије име?
За кога?
Каролинзи и Меровинзи!
Почетком 20.века су се ујединили,спојили или су то учинили 1771.године,када је до руку Џ.А. Вајсхаупта дошао Протокол сионских мудраца.
Када су почели да раде и тајно и јавно,много више тајно,јер су креирали у тајности шта су хтели,а они који су били јавно експонирани су извршавали и испуњавали све њихове жеље.
Развојем технологије,посебно целулоидне траке и медија,направили су гомилу филмова,где су многе ствари открили свету,намерно,јер свет је на све то гледао као на забаву,али је ипак код људи подсвесно све то остало записано.
Пратили су чак и реинкарнације.
Вежбали су и тражили људе који могу да допру до четврте димензије,одакле су добијали информације и открили су доста.
Али...то али је велико АЛИ...
Где је трећа линија,трећа лоза?
Лоза и линија кћерке Тамар.
И она је Исусова кћерка,Исусова крв.
То су испустили.
То и није толико битно,јер они желе да потисну једну неминовност,да је душе значајнија од крви.
Да је тело животињско,како рече и сам Господ Бог Исус Христ,да је тело одело душе,које се мења,а та чиста Божанска душа је у Србији,код Србина.
Припремају се да 2013.године уз разне ритуале на нашем тлу поставе свог врховног господара,кога ће да прогласе за Бога на земљи.
У Нишу,у Србији,а не у Јерусалиму,како многи зналци говоре и пишу.
Направили су храм у Нишу и у том храму се налазе српски симболи.
Ко има очи видеће!
1700.година је прошла,они се придржавају симболике:1+7=8 бесконачност,желе бесконачно да владају,али ту ће им бити крај,на СВЕТОМ БОЖАНСКОМ СРПСКОМ ТЛУ.
Овде је све почело пре 17.663.754.240.година,овде ће се све и завршити.

недеља, 30. мај 2010.


Kada razobličiš raznorazne nikove i ljude koji nemaju hrabrosti,jer su kukavice,da se prikažu pod punim imenom i prezimenom i da stave svoju fotografiju,odmah te blokiraju...
To samo dokazuje da su se umrežili da bi ispirali mozak nemislećem narodu,navodno nekim svojim saznanjima i nekom svojom "prosvetljenošću"...
Svi su oni umišljeni i njima je mozak ispran raznoraznim TM,jogi,budizmom,satanizmom,i mnogim drugim glupostima koje su nametnuli i servirali gospodari iz senke,zbog manipulacijom nemislećih ljudi...
Tu sam ja i meni slični koji ćemo sve da ih razobličimo,jer mi i jesmo tu,pod punim imenom i prezimenom,bez skrivanja i straha,da iznesemo ISTINU.
Istinu koju možete da prihvatite,a i ne morate....
Nikoga ne ubeđujemo,jer nismo tu da bi nekoga ubedili,već da otkrijemo ISTINU i da ljude usmerimo ka podizanju svesti kroz pokajanje,jer jedino pokajanjem za grehe iz prošlih života,kroz činjenje moralnog dobra u ovom životu i kroz veru u GOSPODA BOGA ISUSA HRISTA,se otvara portal za prelaza na viši nivo,u šestu dimenziju,u RAJ.
Sve ostalo je laž i usmereno je da ljudi budu robovi.
Gospodo umišljeni mi smo streptomicini za vas.
Vašu laž ćemo u korenu saseći.
Čovečanstvo mora da bude oslobođeno svih strahova,jer Bog je LJUBAV.

понедељак, 17. мај 2010.

SERVANTS Their masters

In Nowadays, people think they have a full freedom, because they can not talk about even against prdsednika or the King and Queen.

That I can say that those in power such or just the.

Not recognizes the humanity in his cramped brain area, are limited and directed that the generations routed initiated and when and what to say.

Not realize that they all impose and to begin to accept as their own.

Of 1776.godine, when Adam (the coincidence choice of names?) John Vajshaupt again discovered the "Protocol of Zion Philosopher, "was all mankind imposed.

For centuries before that the Catholic Church, the Jesuits the black pope, destroying all those who they thought his head.

For centuries thinkers were burned at the stake, destroyed changelog plague, and all interests.

World lords of the strings from the shadows retreated and played other people's lives because they government provided the people of Religion, and the church manipulate the news.

Track the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

For public say that the son was homogeneous, that was not married, but they are far from the eyes public track and starali about Jesus offspring from his marriage with Mary Magdalene.

All These were games for mankind, games they are levied.

In secretly listened to the descendants of Jesus and fulfill all their orders, because The Catholic Church was the main perpetrator.

Catholic Church and the Pope, who imposed himself as a only God's envoy to the country, and he was a servant of his master, but servant who was publicly exposed and who people believe.

Lords were and are still in the shadows, because they are public eksponirali, fell to leverage their power - VERA.

Behind All wars have stood the mighty master, who were flown on both sides, which were caused by these wars and conflicts.

In background of the conflict were the interests of and a demonstration of power.

Servant their masters are odrađivale job "A Fistful of Dollars".

Religion are designed to make it easier manipulation people, because man is not convinced razmišlja.Njemu the cramped space is razmišljanja.Njemu all served for centuries and it will in the name of VERE to die, to sacrifice, to kill others, because he believes that doing the right thing, that he will be forgiven ...

So humanity has become its servant master.

All wars, and these to this day, they started faith and are guided by the religious wars.

For centuries trained in obedience, people just executing the orders of their masters.

The Church was created in Jesus' name, and stoking conflicts because all other faiths declared sects.

People he considers their VERA rights, not realizing that a terrible mistake.

Not understand people, because it is limited, trained dog.

People a terrible mistake because it was imposed that it is free!

Many consciously work for a handful of dollars "for their lord, but there are those who consciously work, even though most?!

In conversation with a friend, Milan Vidojević - the biggest Serbian, even European, writer and researcher conspiracy and esoteric, we come to a common conclusion that the hodgepodge of programs, to B92, "Paranormal Serbia", directed directly against me.

Commissioned I'm in there I'd be papazjaniju discredited, because these people nemisleći Now associated with fraud.

I He was surprised that Vanja wrote against SLOBODARSTVA!?

Advised me that I would not dare so public that express the truth! servants because of their master immediately attacked the truth, because has p (l) aćenika that in every way trying to discredit me.

TRUE must not reach people's consciousness.

Humanity must remain dormant.

Humanity must be the servant of his master?

Humanity to live in the illusion and a lie, because if become aware, if he wakes up, it will become free and managed to lose his power!

Many Rett conducted in order to stifle the free Thought and destroy the human conscience, and all that battles were lost, because God has given freedom of the people, "suffer the yoke of oxen, and not people ".

On end of the 20th century and early 21.veka, humanity had fallen into slavery, economic.

Manipulation and cause economic crises, people become servants of their masters.

Think masters of the world to finally win and prepare for the final triumph of 21.12.2012.godine, when the world to present false Jesus Christ, who was born 1979 and to eventually dominate the planet Country and to destroy five sixths of humanity ...

Think and imagine, and are not aware that they will again if suffer a defeat and will for all time to disappear from the stage, because the Lord God not afford to suspend FREEDOM people!

MAY And for me to kill as Jesus Christ, BUT NEVER THOUGHT FREE!

недеља, 9. мај 2010.


(39) Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and
hide them. They themselves have not entered into it, nor did they let those who are wished.
But be ye wise as serpents and innocent as doves. "

I quoted him that he'd like to explain some things that do not appear to understand ...
Who is behind the NSP, Illuminati, Mason, Cheyenne
tions and all others who created the world policy and manage people?
Why is thrown Thomasine Gospel?
Among other things because of what I have quoted, because that quote is from the Tominog Gospel.
They know the masters of the world, infiltrated Essenes, 90% truth, but do not know the complete truth.
Here the complete truth I have stated in the documentary Truth FINAL explained on my blog, but it does not seem to understand the essence of ...
I am talking about uniting all religions into a single religion ... the believers Now revolt, my especially Orthodox Christians, who called all the other infidels ...
Believers do not condemn anyone, and do not have the right to condemn anyone ... God will all judge.
Who dares to pointed a finger at someone and say that the unbelievers!?
Completely mankind is directed and it was, and still, leached brain, because it suits powerful world that consider themselves straight God ...
We just help them, that their discord and intolerance.
Were enslaved humanity, made economic slaves, and that mankind not knowingly ...
Even those who have "invaded" their idea seems to have become part of that plan, because these are their findings began to charge ...
Served intentionally various stories, invent things and events, as frightened and frightened people easily manipulate.
You must bring a can of that imaginary life and to become aware that God is love.
You have to realize that only a sincere repentance for all sins of all life, you've committed, you can calmly wait for Judgement Day, which is ahead ...
Wake up ...
Start thinking ...
Get rid of all dogmas, because you all dogmas impede thinking ...
Become your own person, free to join, because the Lord your God is all pure loves ...
Get rid of malice, jealousy, envy, osuđivanja, revenge, because the only way you can clean the soul to appear before the face of the Lord God ...
Do not blindly to get a hold of one thing, explore, because the only way You can get to the truth.